
I love dance quotes. I love them even more when I have made them up and they sound really good. So I had to write a bit of a bio for something and I decided to make a nice dance quote for it. (You can never go wrong with dance quotes.) So here it is…

I dance because…

I love the feeling of flying

I love the joy of doing something beautiful

I can feel perfect for a moment

I love to dance

Swan Lake


A bit of a short post here. My favourite ballet company- The Australian Ballet, is doing swan lake next year, so I am super excited, and hopefully I am going to get some tickets. (Tickets go on sale on Friday!)

Recipes I would like to make over the holidays


Sea of Curls' Blog

Hot chocolate:

1 cup whole milk
3 tablespoons Nutella
1 teaspoon cocoa powder
Whipped creme in a can for garnish, chocolate shavings, chocolate syrup. Optional: 1 shot of Frangelico or Kahlua (Adult version only, smile !)
Ferrero Rocher Candy

In a high quality heavy pan, whisk together the milk, Nutella, cocoa powder. Simmer for about 5 minutes. Serve with a shot of Frangelico or Kaluha (if your an adult), top with whipped creme, crushed Ferrero Rocher candy, chocolate syrup drizzle.

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Late Starters

 Many people who start ballet (or any kind of dance for that matter) late, are very often told that it is too late for them to become a professional dancer. This, however is very untrue. If you have enough skill, perseverance and passion, you can become a professional dancer, much like many world famous dancers including Misty Copeland- she started ballet at the age of thirteen! 

Statistics say that only about 5% of dancers become professional. A lot of people are put off by this, and many people let this stand in their way, giving up, thinking that they have no chance, especially if they started late compared to others. What they need to do is:

a) Stop comparing themselves to others and start looking at good things about themselves

b) Think. A lot of dancers drop out of classes, they are still counted within that 100%, so that is about twenty percent already gone,  then you have to factor in the people who have absolutely no intention of becoming a professional- so that (being perfectly honest with you) is about 50%, then, you are left with twenty percent of the dancers (some of which really have no chance) which leaves you with 25% chance of being a professional, so realistically there is a one in every four or five ratio of dancers who want to be in a company getting into a company, and remember, if you don’t get into one company, there are many more. 

Late starters could be just as good as any other people if they set themselves to it.

Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion.



Staying Flexible in the Holidays

So the holidays have arrived and I know that all dancers either want to stay flexible in the holidays or get even more flexible. It is not good to overstretch but… who can resist the temptation to get EVEN MORE flexible. Here are some tips and ideas.

  • Lightly stretch with things such as sit and reach and butterfly before doing things like splits
  • If you are already confident that you have splits, try doing oversplit
  • Don’t just stop on doing splits, you have to try things like leg mount, scorpion and needle

I hope that these tips can help you stay flexible or get even more stretchy, and  also if you have a certain routine of stretching that you are doing, try to keep it because you can cramp up if you don’t.

If you stumble, make it part of the dance


Triple Pirouettes

I have finally conquered the triple pirouette… so I have decided to do a blog post that may help you to achieve some pirouettes (whether it be single, double or triple). For starters it is probably a good idea (if you are trying to do doubles) to be able to do a single pirouette. To start, have your feet in fourth position with your back leg straight and then all at the same time, bring your back leg into retire, go into releve and turn (note when turning, try spotting something on the wall and keep your eyes on it as you turn because it helps you balance). Doubles, triples and so on are the same, but you need more balance and momentum.

Dance like nobody is watching

Image Credit: balletomaneassoluta.tumblr.com

Ballet Feet

Many people wonder what the “idyllic” feet for a classical ballet dancer are. “Ballet feet” are supposed to have a beautifully high arch, a high instep and a long achillies tendon. Not everyone has these feet, but sometimes that can be a good thing. People with lower arches have an easier time balancing on releve and the also do not have to spend anywhere near as much time strengthening their feet. I myself can not say that I have bad feet- I have a very high arch and a long achillies tendon, however this gives you more risk of injuring yourself whilst en pointe. Personally, I don’t think that it matters how your feet look, I think that it is about how you dance.

Dance is like dreaming with your feet

Photo Credit: http://www.personal.psu.edu/afr3/blogs/siowfa12/2012/12/en-pointe-can-lead-to-arthritis.html

Keep on Dancing

When most people think of ballet, they either think of a tiny little girl twirling around in fifth position on her tip toe, they think of a fairy princess with pointe shoes on, or if they are a dancer, they think of the pain and hard work behind what happens on stage. Dancers are the most amazing people on earth, even if they break a bone on stage, they will keep on dancing, smiling, while doing an arabesque on a broken foot, knowing that this may be the last time they dance, but they keep on dancing.

Without the pain, there is no way to overcome it


Photo Credit: http://energetiksblog.com.au/blog/2559



Rose and French Vanilla Tea

Dilmah Rose and French Vanilla Tea would have to be my favorite tea in the world- it is delicate, elegant and sophisticated. It has a beautiful aroma and you can taste the vibrant and elegant flavours of the rose with hints of sweet french vanilla.

Have it if: You like looking dainty and you also like sweet and comforting teas

Have with: One teaspoon of sugar if you have a sweet tooth

Have when: You are at a tea party or having some friends over

Tastes good with: Jam biscuits and sponge cake

Photo Credit: onlineshop.dilmah.com.au


A perfect fouette does not come easily- it take a lot of balance, strength and persistence, but when you are able to finally get them, it makes it more worthwhile. Here are some tips for getting fouettes.

  • Practise by holding onto a railing and bringing your non supporting leg from retire to devant whilst in releve to cote and then into retire again.
  • Do lots of pirouettes and practice spotting.
  • Remember, when doing fouettes, you really need to get a lot of momentum.
  • Instead of at first doing full fouettes, try doing half-ones until you get enough momentum to do fulls.

I really hope that these tips helped you to get perfect fouettes.

Don’t practice until you get it right, practice until you can’t get it wrong


Photo Credit: cestlavie-franciska.blogspot.com